
Security & Privacy

The present comprises the Privacy Statement of Sonic Tools. Security and privacy are key to Sonic Tools.


Sonic Tools ensures an appropriate personal data security level. One means to ensure this is by using a firewall effectively blocking your data from any unauthorized access.

Collected data

Access to data processes is exclusively reserved for people authorized by Sonic Tools for the purpose of their business activities. When you log on to the Sonic Tools website or order items, you will be prompted to provide your name and address. Sonic Tools uses your data for the following purposes:

  • granting and invoicing of our services;
  • processing and tracking your order;
  • providing Sonic Tools product information;

We share your information with Google Analytics. Their terms can be found here:

Finally, we record data (including the IP-address used) in order to compile usage statistics and to secure our website.


The Sonic Tools website uses cookies that are stored on your computer by your browser. Cookies are used in ordering processes to store information about your orders. They also store information (such as your PC settings and preferences) to facilitate your next visit to our website. You can set your browser to block cookies during your visit to our website. This may, however, prevent you from using all of our website's functionality.

Order transfer to dealers

Sonic Tools collaborates with various Dutch dealers country-wide. Your order may therefore be shipped via a dealer nearby you. After ordering, we will transfer your data to this dealer.

Data notification and improvement

You will be able to view and modify your personal data at any time. To do so, please contact Sonic Tools at telephone no. 1-844-407-6642.

This Privacy Statement may be modified. Modifications will be notified on this page.

This Privacy Statement is available both in Dutch and English. In the event of any dispute regarding the content and scope of these General Conditions, only the Dutch text and the corresponding interpretation shall be binding in Dutch jurisdiction.